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Patati&Patata evokes in french speaking an inexhaustible chatter or a series of words that can not be guessed. It's probably what describes the most Marjolaine's small world.


Born in 1990 in Lausanne, Marjolaine studied multimedia design at ERACOM (CH) from 2009 to 2012 and was then admitted to the school La Poudrière in Valence (F).
Since 2015, she has been working at Nadasdy Film studio as an animation film director. In 2017, she founded the Animation Film Festival of Savigny, the first animation festival in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland).
Between 2019 and 2021, she was part of the international jury selection team for Fantoche.
After co-directing two seasons of a TV series ("Dans la Toile", 2017–2019) and art-directing Marcel Barelli's first feature film ("Mary Anning", 2025), she is currently working on her seventh short film, "Singularity," a 19-minute animated short based on the comic "Sabre" by Eric Feres.  

Sometimes she participates in DIY Markets with her ceramics and short comics.

In 2024, she founded with some friends from Le Château Turbulent the first Indie Comic Festival "COMET" (comic-market) in Lausanne.

W O R K   E X P E R I E N C E


2025 /// Member of OCCF (Organe cantonal de contrôle des films, Etat de Vaud)
2024 /// Pitch Lab Expert, Kids Film Industry - Castellinaria (CH)
2023-2024 /// Art director for Marcel Barelli on feature film "Mary Anning" (2025)

2022 /// Chef Storyboard for Claude Barras on feature film "Sauvages" (2024)

2019-21 /// International Selection Jury Member for FANTOCHE (CH)

2017-19 /// Multimedia Design Expert for Cantonal Exams, ERACOM (CH)
2017-23 /// animation Bachelor & Master Expert for graduation films at CERULEUM (CH)

2019 /// animation co-director of the TV Series “DansLaToile” saison 2, 20 x 3’

2017-  actuel /// director and programmer of Savigny Animation Festival (CH)
2017 /// animation co-director of the TV Series “DansLaToile”, 20 x 2’
2013-2015 /// Compositing, coloring, animation at Nadasdy Film, Genève (CH)
2014 /// Jury Petit Black Movie Festival, Genève (CH)
2013 /// Background assistant «Le parfum de la carotte», L’Enclume, Bruxelles, (B)
2013 /// internship, at Vivement Lundi!, Rennes (F)
2011-2013 /// Projectionnist 35 mm & digital DCP, Cinéma d’Oron (CH)
2008 /// Layout at Animaginastudio, Jouxtens-Mézery (CH)





2025 "Singularity" (director), 19' 2D short film adapted from comics "SABRE" (Eric Feres, ed. Dargaud)

2025 «Mary Anning», (Art director, BG artist), feature film from Marcel Barelli, ToonBoom animation

2023 «La Colline aux Cailloux», (director), 29', TV Special, 2D animation

2019 «DansLaToile saison 2 », (co-director), 20 x 3’, ToonBoom animation 

2018 «Le Dernier Jour d'Automne », (director), 7'20, 2D animation

2017 «DansLaToile », (co-director), 20 x 2’, ToonBoom animation 
2016 «Vent de Fête », (director), 9'50, 2D animation
2015 «Novembre», (graduation film), 4’, 2D animation
2014 «Super Grand», (director), 1'30, 2D animation/AE puppet
2013 «Balloon Birds», (director), 1’, 2D animation



 P R I Z E S


2023 Cristal for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Festival International d'Annecy (F)

2023 Youth Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Japan Prize, Tokyo (JP)

2023 Kids Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - New Chitose Airport Festival, Chitose (JP)

2023 Poulain d'Or for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Festival International de films Fantasia, Montréal (CA)

2023 Best Short Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Festival Internacional de Cene para Ninos, Mexico (M)

2023 Best Short Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Sharjah International Film Festival, Emirats Arabes Unis

2023 Special Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Festival international du film de Minsk, Listapad, Biélorussie 

2023 Youth Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Fantoche (CH)

2023 Audience Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Fantoche (CH)

2023 Friese Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Mo&Friese  Festival, Hamburg (DE)​

2023 Jury Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Animatou (CH)

2023 Audience Award for "La Colline aux Cailloux" - Animatou (CH)

2021Audience Award  for “Last Day of Autumn" - Coronado Island Film Festival (USA)

2021Grand Prize of the Jury for “Last Day of Autumn" - International Cycling Film Festival ICFF (DE)

2021Audience Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - International Cycling Film Festival ICFF (DE)

2021 Best Animation Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - BCV Sports Film Festival ( SPAIN)

2020 Award for “Last Day of Autumn" -  Holidays 365 International Film Festival (USA)

2020 Best Short / Children's Jury for “Last Day of Autumn" - KINOLUB International Film Festival (PLN)

2019 Best Swiss Film Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - Fantoche (CH)

2019 Audience Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - Fantoche (CH)

2019  Best Animation Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - Providence Children's Film Festival (USA)

2019 Best Film Award category 3 for “Last Day of Autumn" - KROK Festival (RU)

2019 Teacher's award for “Last Day of Autumn" - Chicago International Children's Film Festival (USA)

2019 ISHIYA Award for “Last Day of Autumn" - New Chitose Airport Festival (JPN)

2019 1rst Prize Audience Award for “Last Day of Autumn" at Solothurner Film Tage (CH)

2017 Special Mention for “a Festive Wind" - Festival du film d'animation de Savigny (CH)
2017 AWARD for “a Festive Wind” at  Schweizer Jungfilmfestival Luzern 2017 (CH)
2017 Film Press Prize & Special Prize for "a Festive Wind” at   IAFF Krok Animation Festival (RU)
2016 Evo Promotional children’s Award for “Novembre”, at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (D)
2016 Swiss Talent Award for “Novembre”, at Fantoche (CH)
2016 honorable mention for “Novembre”, at Ottawa Film Festival (CA)
2016 Young Jury Special Award for “Novembre”, at Animanima festival (Serbia)
2016 3rd Prize Audience Award at Solothurner Film Tage (CH)
2015 1st Price for «Sous la lumière, les oiseaux», Student National Contest CROUS (F)
2014 Golden AWARD for «Super Grand», Jenlain Film Festival (F)
2014 Best Short Film AWARD for «Balloon Birds», festival Cinémoi (F)
2014 children AWARD for «Balloon Birds», festival «Partie de Campagne» (F)
2014 children AWARD for «Balloon Birds», festival BAICFF, California (USA)
2013 Selection  & diffusion in the Newspaper L'Illustré, with the comics «Emile & Céleste» (CH)
2011 1st Prize for the graphic design of «Women’s Leadership Award»(CH)
2010 Prize «coup de coeur du jury» for the short film «le Poulet» (CH)

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07 juin 2025

festival du film d'animation de Savigny

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Swiss animation film director Marjolaine Perreten © 2020

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